
Driven by continuous improvement, Ametros is committed to leveraging its business planning and operational structure to ensure we always have the right resources, at the right place at the times. Our niche market is the student accommodation sector, which presents a range of unique problems and challenges. Drawing on nearly 20 years of continued growth and success, we utilised our experience to build a framework response centred around effective control our of operations and primary resource – labour. These controls are only successful when implemented using a PDCA based iterative process, allowing us to continuously assess our business context and react accordingly. Mapping the supply chain will identify the elements where the most value is added or lost, allowing the business to determine how to prioritise its attention, strategies and resources based on business impact.

Our supply chain operates in direct response to our customer needs, and only through identifying opportunities and risks within our supply chain can we remain agile and adapt to fluctuating market dynamics, economic climate, and industry developments. Ametros looks to:

  • Plan – Identify needs and prioritise requirements within the supply chain.
  • Do – Implement the plans and collect data.
  • Check – Analyse the data collected to see if our chain is fit for purpose.
  • Act – Sustain good practises or prepare to improve the processes.


Supply chain mapping should provide Ametros with crucial knowledge of all tiers of its supply chain, and confidence that risks are consistently and effectively identified, mitigated and managed during the Company’s operations.


This guide serves as an acknowledgment and reiteration of a business-wide commitment to continuous supply chain identification activities related to service delivery in the UK and Ireland. The guidance herein also details the risk-based approach to analysis of activity in each layer of the operation. Responsibility for the distribution and understanding of the principles of mapping activities falls to each internal departmental manager.

Guiding Principles

Ametros understands the core guiding principles for a successful management system to be the following:

  • Ametros and its supply chain will always follow health and safety requirements.
  • Ametros and its supply chain will aim to promote a culture of fairness and equality for all.
  • Ametros and its supply chain will operate in a sustainable model.
  • Ametros and its supply chain will understand its obligations legally and contractually.
  • Ametros, as a consumer in the supply chain, will always act with integrity, honesty, and transparency.

Supply Chain Flow

As a supplier operating in the tertiary sector, the traditional ‘top down’ approach when mapping supply chain is often noted as difficult to superimpose upon our sector. It is emphasised by (JA & MJ Fitzsimmons, 2008), “service supply relationships are hubs, not chains”. Since our sector relies almost entirely upon the provision of time-perishable, intangible experience that is consumed as it is produced, the customer, service provider (Ametros) and “tier one” supplier exchange constantly in a bi-directional relationship.

Ametros chooses to restrict its subcontracting activities and control the ability of its suppliers to further subcontract or transfer its obligations. The ‘hub’ style supply chain map acts as more of a closed circle than traditional input-output model.

Mapping Risk

Ametros considers its suppliers as stakeholders who play an active and vital role in driving the continuous success of the overall system. A supplier must be adequately prepared to accept the obligations transferred to it within the supply chain structure and be empowered to uphold the principles of the Service Provider. The tertiary sector may have a shallow supply map or operate a more circular structure; however, risk is still present and identification, mitigation or elimination will still be required.

Ametros has embedded its supply chain risk assessment by utilising software to manage, record and document all the relevant processes. Supplier onboarding is a 6-step procedure, each motion closer to our operation gatekept by micro-risk assessments through various levels of management. Once onboarded, Suppliers are continually assessed through various data retrieval and communication points to enable the team to dynamically assess risks posed to the delivery of contractual obligations.

Our onboarding process is the cornerstone of our business strategy, driving excellence and agility in our supply chain through the categorisation of risks our suppliers may pose to the overall operation.

April 2024